Sunday, January 19, 2025


Due to Budget Cuts: FID and LTC applications will only be taken by appointment. Appointments will be scheduled on limited Mondays and Wednesday’s between 10 am and 2pm and 4pm and 8pm. Limited Evening appointments will be available. Walk in appointments will only be taken if the Firearms Licensing Officer is available.

1. Complete the Firearms License Application (pdf) located below or pick up a copy at the Carver Police Station. Ensure that all questions are answered completely and that the writing is legible. Completed applications will be accepted at the time of appointment.

2. Contact the Carver Police Department Dispatch Center at 508-866-2000 to be placed on the Firearms Appointment List. When you are called by the Firearms Licensing Section you will be given a date and time for your interview. At the time of your interview bring your completed application, a copy of your Massachusetts Hunter Safety Course or Massachusetts Firearms Safety Course Certificate and a check for one of the following amounts, made out to the “Town of Carver”:
• New or renewal license to carry or firearms ID: $100
• New or renewal FID restricted (chemical spray): $25
• Residents aged 70 or older: Free
Please note that only New Applicants need to bring a copy of their Hunter Safety or Firearms Safety Certificate at the time of their interview. If you are a New Applicant and you have not successfully completed a Massachusetts Hunter Safety Course or Firearms Safety Course the Carver Police cannot process your application. A list of area Massachusetts State Police Certified Instructors (PDF) is located below. The Carver Police Department does not endorse or recommend any one instructor.

3. Take Note: Application Question #10: “Have you ever appeared in any criminal court as a defendant for any criminal offense or criminal traffic offense (excluding non-criminal traffic offenses)?” The key word is “appeared” rather than “arrested.” Having been charged and convicted of a crime does not necessarily prohibit you from getting an FID or LTC. Not answering truthfully does. Understand that “ever appeared” includes all adult and juvenile appearances. It does not matter if you were found not guilty, or if the charges were dismissed, or if you received a continuance without a finding–you still have to answer “yes” to the question if you ever appeared in criminal court. If you do not answer truthfully, we will find out, no matter how long ago. If you have a sealed record, you also have to indicate this; we are notified of disqualifiers even from sealed records. We will not accept “I forgot,” “They told me it would not show up,” or “It never showed up before.” Remember: you are signing this application under penalties of perjury; you will be denied a license for any untruthful answer and you may face the possibility of prosecution.

4. All applicants will have prints and photos taken at the Carver Police Department. Despite what it says on the application, you do not have to provide your own photos.

5. After your application has been received, it will be processed by the Firearms Licensing Section. If additional documentation is needed the Firearms Licensing Section will contact you. If there is a problem processing your application the Firearms Licensing Section will contact you. If you have a Sealed Record or Criminal Record that is on Microfiche, expect delays in the processing of your LTC or FID.

6. If you have moved to Carver, you must notify the Commonwealth Firearms Record Bureau of your change of address using the Change of Address Form (PDF) located below. Only after the FRB has processed your change of address will you be allowed to proceed with the renewal process.

7. If you need additional forms or have further questions, please visit the Massachusetts Firearms page at the link below. This site provides answers to many frequently asked questions, has complete state laws regarding firearms, and offers forms to download.