Friday, February 7, 2025



As your Chief of Police, I want to reassure everyone that your Police Department remains prepared and ready to deal with the many issues that will likely arise during this Covid-19 health crisis.  We are working diligently with our partners in public safety, the Fire Department, The EMS Department, The Board of Health, The Select Board, Operations and Maintenance and all town departments to continue to provide essential services to the citizens of the town.  We are also closely monitoring the evolving recommendations of the CDC and Department of Public Health regarding effective measures to slow the spread of the illness. 

In order to minimize the risk to all, we are asking residents to try not to come into the lobby of the police station except for emergencies. To conduct routine business, please call us at 508-866-2000 extension 0. 

All records requests should be made via telephone (508-866-2000 extension 118) or via email (  Our Records Clerk will comply with such requests as soon as possible.

As we move forward through the uncharted waters of this pandemic, please be reassured that your Police Department, along with all of the other Public Safety Departments will continue to be here to provide essential services to our residents.

Stay safe,

Chief Marc R. Duphily